Buffalo Scoop

Advances in technology bring relief to allergy, asthma and flu sufferers

Feb 13, 2018 | Lifestyles

With the winter season nearing an end, we are about to enter another season that causes discomfort to many Western New Yorkers, and that’s allergy season.

Indoors and out, it’s hard to control exposure to pollen and other allergens. While steps such as medications, frequent vacuuming, extensive cleaning, and minimizing the presence of indoor plants may provide some relief, it’s usually only temporary. Fortunately, advances in technology — specifically today’s air purification methods — are resulting in long-term relief for both allergy and asthma sufferers.

FreshAir air purification technology, distributed locally by Green Armour Technologies of WNY, goes far beyond simple filtration and dust collection and removes smoke, odors, bacteria, airborne contaminants, and contaminants on surfaces that simply can’t be reached by other types of air purification.

“Our FreshAir products feature the power of ActivePure Technology and can treat up to 3,000 square feet of living space with just the press of a button,” said Green Armour President Brian Ellsworth of Snyder. “FreshAir sends out natural ions that provide a fresher, safer indoor environment. For many of our customers, the constant sniffling, sneezing and itchy eyes that often accompany allergy season quickly become a thing of the past.

“FreshAir products are proven to remove airborne contaminants and allergens, reducing asthma and allergy symptoms and resulting in a healthier body — even during this highly contagious and dangerous flu season. It also freshens air and removes odors, dirt and dust from the air to make household cleaning much easier.”

In addition to FreshAir, Green Armour also offers a variety of other “green” products such as LivingWater, LaundryPure and nutraceuticals. Please visit greentechwny.com for more information.

“While it’s nearly impossible to completely rid an environment of allergy and asthma triggers, taking a proactive stance can significantly reduce your exposure and related symptoms,” added Ellsworth. “We’re committed to helping you build a greener life.”

FreshAir technology can be found in homes, locker rooms, gyms, offices and other enclosed environments across Western New York and the U.S., including the clubhouses of nearly 30 Major League Baseball teams. Additionally, ActivePureTechnology was recently inducted into the Space Foundation’s Space Technology Hall of Fame, becoming one of only 75 technologies inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame in the past 30 years!

For frequent updates on FreshAir products and ActivePure Technology, please follow Green Armour Technologies of WNY on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Green-Armour-Technologies-of-WNY-441391392720079/. To view a brief video about ActivePure, visit www.activepurepro.com.

To learn more about FreshAir, ActivePure and Green Armour products, please attend a free 360 Degree Health & Wellness Seminar to take place from 6:30 to 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, at the Hampton Inn and Suites Buffalo Airport, 133 Buell Ave. (off Genesee Street), Cheektowaga.

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