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Allendale students make superhero capes for children at Roswell

Feb 7, 2016 | Local News

For the past two Wednesdays, four students from Allendale Elementary stayed after school with Principal Margaret Borchert and teacher Debbie Wrazen to make superhero capes for children battling cancer at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Borchert and Wrazen split the cost for the fabric and materials that will help bring joy to the sick children. During their Sewing Club, fifth grade students Jessica Nickerson, Katie Schifano and Helena Kottas, and fourth grade student Berlin Barr, work with Borchert on cutting and pinning the fabric together. Wrazen, who works with the hearing impaired students in the district and makes the costumes for West Middle School’s musicals, sews the fabric together on her sewing machine. Once together, Wrazen and the students iron Batman, Superman, My Little Pony or Frozen decals to the fabric.

They have made 12 capes so far, and hope to make six more on Wednesday, Feb. 10. After all the capes are ready to go, PTL officer Lynn Guise, who is a pharmacist at Roswell, will deliver the capes.

The Sewing Club hopes to continue to create after the capes are done. They are currently considering making dresses for girls in Africa for their next project.

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