The Church of the Annunciation will host its annual summer picnic Aug. 13-15 on parish grounds, located at 7580 Clinton St. in Elma.
Festivities will open on Friday, Aug. 13, with a Cruise Night & Car Show from 5 to 9 p.m. at Annunciation’s picnic pavilion. Hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks and water will be available for purchase.
On Saturday, Aug. 14, Annunciation will host a drive-through Chicken BBQ by Wendel’s and a chowder sale from 11 a.m. until sold out. This will take place in the church parking lot. Prices are $12 for the chicken dinner and $8 per quart of chowder. There will be no pre-sale tickets. Cash or check only; no credit cards, please.
An outdoor Mass at the picnic pavilion will be offered at 11 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 15, weather permitting. Refreshments will be available after Mass.
Raffles will also be held throughout the weekend for a handmade Amish quilt from the Ladies Sodality and a porch glider and birdhouse courtesy of the St. Joseph Workers.
For more information on the Church of the Annunciation, please call 683-5254 or visit