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Annunciation Church to host Buffalo Choral Arts Society performance

Feb 16, 2018 | Entertainment

Buffalo Choral Arts Society (BCAS), a 115-voice auditioned choral ensemble under the direction of Marcia A. Giambrone, who has served as conductor and music director since 1987, will perform in the Church of the Annunciation in Elma at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 10. Annunciation Church is located at 7580 Clinton St.

During Giambrone’s tenure, the chorus has broadened its scope to perform a wide range of musical genres from classical to sacred to Broadway. BCAS members come from all walks of life, and diverse performance venues and varied repertoire are the hallmark of this ensemble.

Accompanied by talented pianist John F. Mitton, BCAS is proud to have shared the spotlight with some of Western New York’s finest soloists and many exemplary artistic organizations, including:
• Ars Nova Musicians Chamber Orchestra
• Buffalo Niagara Youth Chorus
• Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra
• Cheektowaga Symphony Orchestra
• Erie County Wind Ensemble
• Hamburg High School Concert Chorale
• Lancaster High School Concert Choir
• Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir

BCAS has toured internationally in Austria, Paris, Normandy, Dublin, London, Vienna, Provence, Barcelona, Prague and Quebéc, as well as nationally in Washington, D.C. and New York City for the 2015 July 4th celebration.

Tickets for the Annunciation event are just $15 and are available at buffalochoralarts.org.

For more information on the Church of the Annunciation, please call 683-5254 or visit www.annunciation.cc.

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