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Annunciation to host Marriage in Christ Seminar

Mar 10, 2016 | Events

A seminar designed to help couples strengthen their marriage — whether newly married or married for 50 years or more — will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 in Selbert Hall at The Church of the Annunciation, 7580 Clinton St., Elma.

Weekly Marriage in Christ Seminar meetings will include watching a 20-minute episode presenting each week’s topic, group discussion, meeting as a couple for private conversation, and participating in a prayer service.

Weekly topics will include:
• Week One: God First, Our Spouse Second
• Week Two: Love, Sin, Forgiveness and Hope
• Week Three: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Marriage
• Week Four: Love and Friendship
• Week Five: Ordinary Life in Christ

The cost is $85 per couple, or $45 per couple for Annunciation parishioners. For more information, please call 937-7837 or visit www.annunciation.cc.

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