A Small Town Art Show and Sale, a benefit to raise funds to replace money allegedly stolen from the Pavilion Central School District Parent Teacher Organization, will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 14, at BW’s Country Club Banquet Facility, 11070 Perry Road, Pavilion.
The show will feature numerous pieces of art donated by local artists and Pavilion students. There will be artwork priced to sell, plus silent and live auctions.
“The PTO is very good about raising money to help our students,” said event organizer Jesse Coots of LeRoy. “Any money the PTO generates is used for field trips, special events, books, etc. Unfortunately, a local person took it upon themselves to allegedly steal over $40,000 from the PTO. Yes, $40,000 from our kids! So now our PTO is broke and events, programs and other special things that the PTO pays for are being put on hold until the organization can recover financially.”
A Facebook page has been established to help promote the event and show some of the works of art that will be available during the art sale. Please visit the page at www.facebook.com/Smalltownartshowandsale2016/.
Artists who would still like to donate a work of art can contact Coots at (585) 813-7549 for more information.
“We’re hoping that art lovers and the entire community will turn out to support this unique event, which, in turn, will benefit the students of the Pavilion Central School District,” Coots added. “Please come and mingle, view the art show and experience our local talent. I hope this will be an event that brings our community and surrounding communities together for a great cause.”
Hors d’oeuvres will be offered during the event, and beer and wine will be available for purchase.