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Author-essayist Tim Joyce to present essay writing workshop at Dog Ears Bookstore

Nov 3, 2016 | Events

“How to Find Your Inner David Sedaris; Essay Writing with Irony, Truth and Honesty,” is the title of a workshop to be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 3 at Dog Ears Bookstore & Café, 688 Abbott Road, Buffalo.

Author and essayist Tim Joyce will lead the one-day event at the nonprofit community bookstore. Joyce is the author of “Life: The Final Frontier,” “Seize the Day Job,” “Behind the Curtain,” “The Haunted House of Hinsdale” and the poetry anthologies “Willow Review” and “Small Angels.” Additionally, Joyce has had six plays produced professionally, including the Joseph Jefferson award-recommended “Diner Tales” at Chicago’s Raven Theatre, and the critically acclaimed Equity production “Tell Me About Ireland” by the Talisman Theatre Company of Chicago.

At the Dog Ears event, Joyce will work with writers of all levels of experience on the craft of creating essays that speak not only the intended thoughts of the author, but in a voice that engages the audience. Participants will leave the workshop with at least three pages of new, working draft-quality material and an overview of how to edit essay and short story-style writing into tight and publishable material. Very intense emphasis will be placed on developing ideas without fear and editing work to assure that the writer has clearly said — to the reader as well as themselves — what they intended to say within their work.

The cost of the workshop is $40 for adults or $30 for high school students. Joyce will also offer post-workshop critique in which participants may email him their work at a later date and he will help the writer’s shepherd their newly created pieces into work that can be submitted for publication.

For more information on Dog Ears Bookstore & Café, please call 823-2665, follow on Facebook for frequent updates or stop by the bookstore today!

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