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Author Moxie Gardiner returns to Buffalo for two book-related events

Oct 26, 2023 | Arts & Culture

Gardiner will talk primarily about the historical research she undertook to accurately represent the dramatic events unfolding in Buffalo in the late 1960s.

Native Buffalonian Moxie Gardiner will return to her hometown on Nov. 1 to take part in a Happy Hour History presentation at the Buffalo History Museum from 6 to 8 p.m. The museum is located at 1 Museum Court in Buffalo, off Elmwood Avenue.

Gardiner will talk primarily about the historical research she undertook to accurately represent the dramatic events unfolding in Buffalo in the late 1960s, described in her new novel, Virgin Snow. Copies of her book are on sale in the museum’s gift shop as well as most bookstores in Buffalo, and can now be borrowed from the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library system.

For more information about her Nov. 1 presentation, please click here: https://buffalohistory.org/event/happy-hour-history-virgin-snow-a-story-about-buffalo-at-an-inflection-point-by-moxie-gardiner/.

Gardiner will also visit Dog Ears Bookstore & Cafe, located at 688 Abbott Road in South Buffalo, from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 4, for a book-signing event.