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Church of the Annunciation’s Parish Council prepares for new year

Dec 17, 2015 | Lifestyles

Fr. Eugene Ulrich, pastor of the Church of the Annunciation, performs a blessing of the Parish Council and commissioning of new members during a recent Mass. Members of the council are, from left, Molly Moessinger, Wayne Drzymala, Tom DiScipio, Mark Ludwig, Mark Bergmann, Deborah Keenan and Frank Wawro. Missing from the photo is Paula Penepent.

Father Eugene Ulrich, pastor of the Church of the Annunciation in Elma, offered a special blessing of Parish Council members during the 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, Dec. 13. Members of the 2016 Parish Council include President Tom DiScipio, Pastoral Associate Deborah Keenan, Mark Bergmann, Wayne Drzymala, Mark Ludwig, Molly Moessinger, Paula Penepent and Frank Wawro.

As president, DiScipio shared some details regarding the council’s efforts and goals. The council serves as one branch of the parish leadership and provides Fr. Ulrich with general support and counsel on various issues. 

“Each meeting we spend time reflecting on either scripture or one of the Pope’s encyclicals,” said DiScipio. “Currently, we are reflecting on the encyclical ‘On Care for Our Common Home.’ We use these reflections as a guide for our thoughts and actions during the meeting.

“We also work with both the Finance and Buildings and Grounds committees to help provide guidance on parish priorities. Throughout the year we bring in a representative from various ministries within the parish to see how we as the council can support their work.

“Additionally, we work to come up with and implement various programs that will engage the parish community and help foster growth within the faith,” DiScipio added. “This past summer with put on a three-part series called ‘Festival of Faiths’ where we explored an understanding the world’s major faiths such as Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism.”

The Church of the Annunciation is located at 7580 Clinton St., Elma. For more information, please visit the parish website at www.annunciation.cc.