Coast 2 Coast will be kicking off their last national dance tour at Tonawanda Dance Arts on Wednesday, April 18 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Coast 2 Coast: Dance Across America, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to motivate anyone and everyone they come across. Founders of the program, Louie Perez, Jimmy Lyles and Ryan Dutcher are thrilled to come back to Tonawanda Dance Arts to spread their “never give up” message.
Annually at the end of April and the first week in May, the Coast 2 Coast crew sets out on a two-week celebration of dance, where their national tour sends them traveling from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, or “Coast 2 Coast.”
The tour not only promotes the health and fitness side of dance, but also encompasses the ideals of persistence, perseverance, passion and positivity. Coast 2 Coast offers scholarship opportunities to dancers across the nation and is also a preferred vendor in the More Than Just Great Dancing network of affiliated studios.
Tonawanda Dance Arts is looking forward to this incredible opportunity for their students! If you would like more information about this event or information about Tonawanda Dance Arts, you can visit their website at or call 694-3878.