Buffalo Scoop

Commentary: Making any new vehicle that cannot be seen at night is not acceptable

Sep 13, 2017 | Local News

By Peter Gold

Have you ever invented something that costs less than a dollar and then made millions of dollars on it? I have done it many times, and now I have graduated my inventing skills to make billions of dollars.

Ever hear about a new discipline in motor vehicle engineering called the Vehicle Door Accident Avoidance System that costs less than one dollar installed per application? You may want to. I invented it, and it’s called Inview Vehicle Trim.

What does it do? Very simply, it allows a vehicle driver to see and avoid another vehicle, at night, when the second vehicle has an opened door. It will keep drivers from accidentally killing themselves or someone else.

So why is this important? Knowingly making any new vehicle without Inview Vehicle Trim is knowingly making a vehicle that other drivers cannot see at night, and that’s not acceptable!

Peter Gold is the inventor and CEO of Inview Vehicle Trim. For more information, please visit www.inviewvehicletrim.com.

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