Buffalo Scoop

Explore Buffalo plans African-American Heritage Tour

Apr 11, 2017 | Arts & Culture

Explore Buffalo is honored to be partnering with the Colored Musicians Club and the Michigan Street Baptist Church for the Michigan Street African-American Heritage Tour.

African-American history in Buffalo is centered in the neighborhood surrounding the Michigan Street Baptist Church. Join Explore Buffalo for a tour of important locations in this neighborhood and to learn about the major milestones in African-American history in Buffalo, as well as how this affected national history. Buffalo has played a major role in African-American history, from the days of the Underground Railroad to the formation of the Niagara Movement, a precursor to the NAACP.

This unique tour includes an interior tour of the Michigan Street Baptist Church, Nash House Museum and the Colored Musicians Club Museum, three important landmarks in this neighborhood.

The first tour will be offered at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 29. Meet at the Michigan Street Baptist Church, 511 Michigan Ave., Buffalo. The cost is $20 per person, or $15 for Explorer Pass holders.

For tickets, please visit explorebuffalo.org or call (716) 245-3032. Please note that credit cards are only accepted for pre-registration; cash or checks are accepted at time of tour.

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