Buffalo Scoop

Explore Buffalo plans Central Park Experience and Home Tour

Apr 30, 2018 | Events

Many walking and biking tours are on the Explore Buffalo schedule in May.

Join Explore Buffalo on Mother’s Day weekend for a special day of historic homes. The Central Park Experience and Home Tour will be offered from 11 a.m to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 12.

Beautiful homes in a variety of architectural styles, all with a story to tell, will be open on Depew, Morris and Woodbridge avenues from noon to 4 p.m. At Parkside Lutheran Church, 2 Wallace Ave., a series of five presenters, detailed below, will lead presentations from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy some lemonade and cookies while learning about architecture, Feng Shui, plant power and more! There is abundant seating in the sanctuary of Parkside Lutheran Church; simply pick and choose which presentations you’d like to attend.

Advance reservations are encouraged but not required. The cost is $30 for general admission, $25 for Explorer Pass holders, and $35 on the day of the tour.

Interior photography is not permitted in the homes on this tour. This tour is rain or shine, so please dress for the weather. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended. All of the homes are within moderate walking distance of one another, or you can drive.

Your ticket will list all of the open homes and include a map to guide you to each one. Pick up your ticket beginning at 10:30 a.m. on May 12 at Parkside Lutheran Church. Please note that the homes will not open until noon; however, the first presentation will begin at 11 a.m. on the history and architecture of Central Park. All presentations are approximately 45 minutes long and will be in the sanctuary of Parkside Lutheran Church.

11 a.m.: The History & Architecture of Central Park
With Chuck LaChiusa, Explore Buffalo Board President and Creator of BuffaloAH.com
Developer Louis J. Bennett designed the Central Park neighborhood north of the Belt Line Railroad to be the premier neighborhood in Buffalo. Many would agree that he succeeded. Learn about the creation of the neighborhood and see architectural analysis of some of the outstanding homes on Depew, Woodbridge and Morris avenues.

12 p.m.: Creating Your Sanctuary Space
With Sue and Ciara Morreale of Her Sanctuary
Learn more about the art of creating peace around us to inspire peace within us. The priority of a sanctuary space is to have a refuge for your mind, body and soul to rejuvenate itself.  Incorporating aspects of all five senses, you can create a space that is perfect for you to be able to retreat, recharge, reflect and refresh.

1 p.m.: Plant Power in Your Home
With Paula D’Amico of Blessings by Nature
Western New York homes are filled with some of the most wonderful architecture. Combine that with some of this area’s most creative and innovative designers and you have beautiful spaces. So what could help such beauty be more inviting? Our homes are a place of peace, balance and rejuvenation. Plants can help enhance that beautiful energy and deliver health and healing into a home. You just need to know what plants and where. Blessings by Nature’s Paula D’Amico will walk you through some simple ways to increase the beauty and health of your home. Her lecture will include a beautiful display of plants anyone can touch, whiff, sniff and ask questions about.

2 p.m.: How to Master the Feng Shui in Your Bedroom
With Linda Ellson, Feng Shui Your World 
How is the ambiance in your bedroom? Your master bedroom sets the tone for your house in Feng Shui theory. Come discover how Feng Shui can help you uncover what your bedroom says about you and how to create the optimal energy for a tranquil oasis that supports your sleep and life. You’ll receive easy-to-use, take-home tips to put what you learn into action.   

3 p.m.: Mindful Living
With Megan Callahan, Studio Director of Yoga Parkside
From the moment we wake up to the moment we fall asleep, there are many beautiful opportunities throughout our day, both at home and at work, to tune in and use mindfulness as a tool to navigate life’s many twists and turns. We’ll discuss practical and simple approaches to weave mindfulness into our daily rhythm, from comings and goings, basic space clearing, mindful eating and more.

For more information and ticket reservations, please visit explorebuffalo.org or call (716) 245-3032.

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