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Explore Buffalo plans Fact or Fiction Tour – Allentown Edition

Mar 26, 2018 | Entertainment

How well do you think you know Buffalo’s history? Join Explore Buffalo for a fun April Fool’s tradition and the only time you will ever hear the organization’s docents give a tour that is only half true!

As participants walk through Allentown on this tour, they will be kept guessing with some stories that are true but unbelievable, mixed with some tall tales of Explore Buffalo’s own creation. Keep track on your scorecard along the way, and if your ability to sniff out lies is the best of the bunch, you’ll win a prize!

The Fact or Fiction Tour – Allentown Edition will take place at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 7. Participants will meet at Colter Bay, 561 Delaware Ave., at the corner of Allen Street. The cost is $30 for general admission and $25 for Explorer Pass holders. Included with admission is one beer and light appetizers at Colter Bay while your scorecards are reviewed at the end of the tour. A full menu and cash bar will also be available.

Please wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather, and please visit explorebuffalo.org for more information or to register for this tour.

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