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Explore Buffalo to present Doors Open Buffalo

Apr 16, 2019 | Arts & Culture

All Doors Open Buffalo buildings are within a one-mile radius of the Central Library.

Doors Open Buffalo, a free self-guided and self-paced tour of more than 30 downtown Buffalo buildings, presented by Explore Buffalo, will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 15. The event is sure to inspire greater appreciation for Buffalo’s unique history and architecture through free public access to significant building interiors.

Begin your day at the main information hub at the Central Library or choose any of the participating buildings as your starting point! You can pick up a map at any of the locations listed below. All participating buildings are within a one-mile radius of the Central Library.

Participating buildings include:

Alleyway Theater

Avant Building


BECPL Central Library

Brisbane Building

Buffalo Harbor Museum

City Hall

Delaware North

DL&W Train Depot

The Dun Building

Electric Tower

Ellicott Square Building

Hauptman Woodward Research Institute

Hotel at the Lafayette

Hutch Tech High School

M&T Bank’s Gold Dome

Market Arcade

Michigan Street Baptist Church

Nash House Museum

Old County Hall

Old Post Office

One M&T Plaza

Road Less Traveled Theater

Shea’s 710 Main Theater

St. Joseph’s Old Cathedral Rectory

St. Michael’s Church

St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral

The Historic Colored Musicians Club

The Hyatt Regency

The Irish Classical Theater Co.

The Mansion on Delaware

The Admiral Room at the Marin Building

The Webb Building

Trinity Episcopal Church

Visit Buffalo Niagara Visitor Center

Western New York Book Arts Center


Anyone interested in volunteering for a three-hour shift on June 15 is welcome to sign up at doorsopenbuffalo.org.

Doors Open Buffalo is made possible by the generous support of the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Legacy Fund at Community Foundation for Greater BuffaloWells Fargo Center. Seneca Gaming Corporation and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; administered by Arts Services Initiative of WNY, Inc. For more information, please visit doorsopenbuffalo.org.