Did you know that nonprofit organizations can receive free accreditation through Better Business Bureau of Upstate New York’s Charity Review Program?
How it works: There is an application process detailing what the charity does, how they operate, where their money goes, etc. Once accredited — meaning all 20 standards for charity accountability are met — the nonprofit organization will have a profile on BBB’s website and can use BBB for things such as arbitrations, investigations and ad review. They are also mentioned in BBB’s Giving Guide; this year there were approximately 10,000 copies printed and distributed to 48 counties across New York State! BBB will also reach out to the organization if multiple people are searching their profile on BBB’s website or should someone write a complaint.
There is no fee to be accredited. The only cost affiliated with becoming a BBB Accredited Charity is using the accreditation seal. This cost varies depending on the total organizational income. For example, if a charity has an annual income of $50,000 or less, the cost to use the seal for one year is just $25. If you don’t want to use the seal, the organization is still able to say they are accredited with BBB and it will read that they are accredited on the BBB’s website. Should the seal be purchased, organizations can use it on everything, such as their website, emails, marketing materials, etc.
For more information, please visit give.org. To view an example of a profile for a BBB Accredited Charity, please visit https://www.bbb.org/upstate-new-york/charity-reviews/charity-cancer/roswell-park-alliance-foundation-in-buffalo-ny-235973793.
If you would like to speak to someone about the program, please contact Kelsey Rebmann, BBB of Upstate NY’s Community Programs Coordinator, at (716) 276-3759.