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Local producers preparing for Maple Weekend in New York State

Feb 8, 2016 | Events

Maple Weekend is one of the premier agri-tourism events in America, and with almost 160 maple producers across New York State and more than 50 in Western New York alone, it’s going to by one busy weekend!

Actually, local maple producers will open their facilities from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on two Maple Weekends, March 19-20 and April 2-3. The host facilities will show visitors how maple syrup and related maple products are made, from tree to table!

This fantastic, family-oriented event takes visitors back to their agricultural roots as they learn how a clear, water-like sap becomes a golden brown nectar.

Guests often enjoy several locations during Maple Weekend because each producer has something different to teach, along with different ways to entertain visitors. Whether it’s horse and wagon rides into the woods, farm animal petting areas or pancake breakfasts, there is something for everyone during Maple Weekend.

The best part of every visit is a chance to sample maple syrup and other products to see what all the fuss is about! For more information on Maple Weekend, please visit http://www.nysmaple.com.