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Mount Mercy Academy holding clothing drive

Nov 29, 2023 | Lifestyles

The clothing drive runs through Dec. 12.

Mount Mercy Academy in South Buffalo, in the spirit of giving at Christmas time, is holding a clothing drive to benefit Cornerstone Homeless Shelter and City Mission, two local homeless shelters. The school is collecting winter clothing and accessories from students and staff and is encouraging community members, especially Mount Mercy Academy alumnae, to participate as well.

The school community is collecting items for men, women and children. Gently used items to be collected include coats, snowsuits, sweaters, shirts, pants, boots, hats, gloves and scarfs. New items that are being accepted include hats, gloves, scarfs, socks, slippers, towels and wash cloths.

The drive runs through Dec. 12. Donations may be brought to the school’s main office during school hours.

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