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Mount Mercy students enjoy fun and innovative educational activities

Nov 3, 2020 | Lifestyles

Mount Mercy Academy

Mount Mercy Academy continues to host educational and beneficial emotional activities for its students, while observing all of the proper protocols to keep everyone safe and healthy.  

Recently, the school observed Unity Day with three days of activity. The purpose of the day is to promote worldwide recognition by schools of bullying and to highlight the importance of kindness, acceptance and inclusion. Students watched videos and completed various activities designed to promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion.  

Everyone was encouraged to wear the color orange on the first day. In addition, students listened to a poem about negativity and hurtful messages.  They then wrote down three negative messages they had heard or thought about themselves. Next, they listened to a song about positive messages and then crossed out the negatives and replaced these messages with positives about themselves. Students then wrote uplifting quotes which, along with the messages, were displayed in the school.  

On the second day, students watched additional videos and painted rocks with messages of kindness. The rocks were placed outside the school in the newly renovated gardens. On the final day, the students watched another inspirational video and then wrote three positive messages on sticky notes which were then randomly placed on student lockers. The events were coordinated by Sister Jenny Wilson, RSM.

Despite the limitations placed on the school by Covid-19, Women in Social Sciences was able to offer students an opportunity to interact with a guest speaker via Zoom. Julia Palmer, founder and director of PATH WNY, a faith-based nonprofit based in Buffalo, spoke to the students in the Women in Social Science Academy. Her organization is dedicated to educating the community about human trafficking, how to prevent human trafficking and how to restore victims of human trafficking. Students were able to attend the session even if they are participating in distance learning. The event was arranged by Mrs. Bridget Feyes.

Mount Mercy guidance counselors, Jessica Bakkila and Elayna Snyder, sponsored Wellness Wednesday to help with the social and emotional health of the student body. The event began with a yoga video aimed at helping students relax and handle anxiety. Next, students were given a star with another student’s name on it. They wrote an uplifting message for the student and then placed it on her locker.   

On the day before Halloween, Student Government hosted some safe and fun activities. Students and staff dressed up in costume, complete with masks, and then participated in costume contests, trivia contests about Halloween movies and shows, hall decorating and pumpkin carving/painting. Spirits were high as the events brought smiles and laughs to everyone. A particular highlight was provided by a group of seniors who dressed up as many of the teachers. The resemblance to their selected faculty member was uncanny! Student Government is moderated by Mrs. Brittany Sanscrainte and Ms. Catherine Luhr.

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