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New York International Auto Show visitors offer positive comments regarding Inview Vehicle Trim

Apr 3, 2018 | Local News

By Peter Gold 

Following are a few select comments from prospective car buyers and the general public after seeing the highly reflective Inview Vehicle Trim applied to an exhibit vehicle display at the New York International Auto Show.

• “Inview Vehicle Trim should be mandatory and applied to all vehicles. It is a no brainer.”

• “I cannot believe all vehicles do not have Inview Vehicle Trim applied to allow my opened vehicle door to be seen at night. Inview Vehicle Trim is honestly amazing. Any vehicle not having Inview Vehicle Trim is unsafe.”

• “It is so simple.”

• “I cannot believe any vehicle manufacturer, after seeing Inview Vehicle Trim, would not take steps to immediately apply it to all of its vehicle models.”

• “Even with me standing in front of an opened vehicle door, another vehicle driver can see over 50 percent of the Inview Vehicle Trim behind my legs.”

• “Now I know why so many road signs do not use added lights to have them seen at night. They use the same highly reflective material that Inview Vehicle Trim uses to bounce back the light of a motor vehicle’s headlights.”

• “It is hard to believe that this same red and white highly reflective tape that is applied to trailers, that is mandatory by law, is not applied to all vehicle doors.”

• “I like Inview Vehicle Trim because you cannot see it at all inside or outside the vehicle with the door closed, only automatically when the door is opened.”

• “It’s amazing how reflective this product it. It is just as reflective as a red and white stop sign that you can see over 1,000 feet away just from the reflection from your vehicle’s headlights.”

• “I cannot believe vehicle manufacturers can make any vehicle without Inview Vehicle Trim. Having nothing, or a silly little reflector or light on the vehicle door that is blocked by me or my kids to disallow a vehicle driver to see us is not acceptable.”

It is conservatively estimated that over 35,000 lives are lost globally to the contributing cause of an unseen opened vehicle door and a person standing outside that vehicle door. For more information, please visit inviewvehicletrim.com or meet Inview inventor and CEO Peter Gold at the New York International Auto Show, Booth #1333, through April 8.

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