By Peter Gold
Entering or exiting a vehicle by opening a vehicle door and not having another driver see you in the path of traffic has resulted in an estimated one million deaths since the inception of the motor vehicle. We are all guilty of being exposed. In memory of those one million who have died and the 100 men, woman and children who will die tonight, I beg every vehicle owner and every vehicle manufacturer to apply what I have invented to help prevent the needless loss of life.
Look at the two pictures of the same opened vehicle door. The picture on the right side shows the opened vehicle door during the day. Now look at the picture on the left that shows the same vehicle door with the highly reflective Inview Vehicle Trim applied to the bottom lower edge of the vehicle door below the interior door panel. Also notice the Inview Vehicle Trim applied to the interior side of the door’s window frame.
What you are seeing is a warning to other vehicle drivers, providing drivers time to avoid the loss of over 100 lives tonight by prevention!
My friends, life is too precious to be lost by not seeing it on a roadway. Please have Inview Vehicle Trim applied to the current vehicle you own, lease or rent, and demand it be applied on your next new vehicle. Please remember that looking both ways at night with a vehicle approaching you does not mean the other driver can see you or your opened door. Over one million lives were lost by looking both ways but not being seen until it was too late.
All global vehicle manufacturers are invited to apply Inview Vehicle Trim, which is now available for license under one or more of the numerous U.S. Patents of Inview Vehicle Trim Corporation, under the registered U.S. Trademark Inview Vehicle Trim.
Peter Gold is Chief Executive Office of Inview Vehicle Trim Corporation, Rockvile Centre, N.Y. For more information, please visit or follow the company on Facebook at for frequent updates.