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Parents invited to Social Media App Awareness Night

Jan 13, 2016 | Local News

Parents from the West Seneca Central School District are invited to attend Social Media App Awareness Night at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9 at West Seneca West Senior High School. This event is structured to inform parents and keep their children safe.

District social workers will present topics designed to educate parents on the dangers of certain social media apps such as Kik, OoVoo, Tinder, Yik-Yak, Whisper, etc. for smart phones, tablets and other devices. Brian Graham, assistant superintendent of pupil services, will also present about how to set up restrictions on Apple and Android devices. Materials will be available to take home.

The Internet provides an opportunity for children to learn, explore their world and socialize with friends. As parents, we also know the safety risks the Internet poses to our children. By understanding the potential threats children face, you can educate, empower and protect yourself — and them — to have safer, more meaningful online experiences.

For more information on how to keep your children safe online, or to view materials from a similar event held two years ago, please visit www.wscschools.org and search “Social Media App Awareness.”

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