As with any helping profession, teaching can be a stressful job — but teachers say the rewards are worth it. According to a University of Phoenix survey, K–12 teachers most enjoy the interaction with children, with 68 percent citing seeing the growth of students and 57 percent citing working with children in general as their favorite part of the job.
How to make teaching better
“Those who go into the teaching profession tend to have a passion for it. It’s hard work and sometimes thankless. Self-care is important,” said Pamela Roggeman, Ed.D., academic dean for the College of Education at University of Phoenix. She offers these tips:
1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether from the school principal, classroom parents or your colleagues, a support system is important.
2. Request donations for the classroom to relieve personal financial burden. Teachers often dig into their own pockets to pay for classroom supplies. Ask parents for assistance in collecting needed items.
3. Do small things every day to take care of yourself. Have snacks on hand for those days when your lunch break is interrupted. Look into short meditations or breathing exercises for times when stress levels are higher.
4. Take time to recharge. Career burnout can happen. Take a day off or a short break when you can and focus on something you enjoy.
5. Make your classroom a place where everyone can refocus. Remember that your state of mind will guide your students. Try things students can benefit from, too, such as mindful moments throughout the day or even aromatherapy.
Staying up to date on current trends can also help reduce on-the-job stress. According to the survey, about half of the people who’ve been teaching for at least five years say there are more leadership role opportunities than in the past, but only 16 percent of all teachers gave themselves an “A” when it comes to educational technology, leaving room for growth in this area for many.
Many of those who feel that teaching may be their calling or are looking to advance their career in education may care for information about University of Phoenix teacher preparation programs, continuing teacher education and professional development programs. They’re available on the University of Phoenix website at