The Rural Outreach Center (the ROC) in East Aurora, a nonprofit Christian organization committed to helping individuals and families in rural communities overcome poverty through multiple strategies, is expanding its medical services in 2016.
“Our primary mission is to offer free basic medical care for uninsured adults,” said Ruthie Hunt, director of the ROC’s Health Care Services program. “These services are provided primarily by on-site qualified nurse practitioners with an on-call physician.”
Located at 730 Olean Road in East Aurora, the ROC’s Health Care Services program currently provides free basic medical care for adults who have no health insurance from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
New services now offered by the ROC include:
• The addition of Saturday morning hours, from 9:30 to 11 a.m., on the fourth Saturday of each month.
• Appropriate follow-up care for in-house patients who may have acquired insurance but have not yet found a physician.
• Availability of blood pressure and glucose screening without an appointment during all hours of operation.
“The expanded hours and services should make our services more accessible for those in rural areas. We would encourage anyone who is uninsured, or knows of someone who is uninsured, to take advantage of these services. We urge all without insurance to come to the ROC even when they are not ill so that a relationship can be established,” added Hunt.
Appointments are encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome. Please call 220-4834 for information or to make an appointment.
In addition to health service, many other ROC services can be accessed during the health services hours.