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Science educator wants students to get their hands dirty for Earth Day

Feb 26, 2018 | Lifestyles

Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, is right around the corner, and one local retired teacher is making it his mission to use that occasion to reintroduce youngsters — and their educators — to the natural world and the great outdoors.

A native of Williamsville, Dave Bauer, author of the children’s book “What’s Under That Rock, Papa?” is helping children reconnect to their natural world. Among the benefits for children sharing time in nature include:
• Supports creativity and problem solving
• Enhances cognitive ability
• Improves social relationships and self-discipline

Bauer has crafted two 40- to 50-minute programs titled “Let’s Discover Nature.” The programs are designed for Pre-K through Grade 3 and Grades 4 and 5. They are the perfect complement to the STEM and STREAM curriculums currently being taught in New York State’s public and private schools.


“My Let’s Discover Nature program includes readings from my book and fun, interactive activities with the children,” said Bauer. “Often, the children tell me a favorite thing they like doing most in nature is sharing time with their mom, dad and grandparents.” Bauer’s program also guides the children and staff in the schools he visits to create future school nature projects.


“Research tells us that today’s children are spending far too little time in nature,” added Bauer. “Let’s Discover Nature works to change that by offering new ways to enjoy the great outdoors through Creative Nature Play.”

Pricing is very reasonable and discounts are available for multiple presentations. For more information, teachers, principals, librarians, pre-school administrators and PTO/HSA groups can visit http://creativenatureplay.com or contact Bauer directly at da*******@wh********************.com or (716) 432-4294. You can also visit his Facebook page at Dave Bauer – Author for samples of his projects and updates.