(Welcome to the weekly pet column of Pet Connection Programs Inc. of Marilla, N.Y. A new article is posted each week, so be sure to check back on a regular basis!)
After an extensive search that generated more than 1,000 cat and dog entrants, America’s first holistic pet food brand, Solid Gold Pet, identified Scooty, a rescued special needs golden cocker terrier mix breed dog, and Booker, a rescued longhair tabby cat, as the “Happiest Pets on Earth.”
Scooty and Booker were selected from entries of cat and dog photos posted on Instagram by their pet parents with captions explaining why their pet is the Happiest Pet on Earth. The two grand prize winners will each receive free Solid Gold pet food for a year, plus a unique celebrity-style experience, including a professional photoshoot and a catered meal with their human companions.
Scooty’s inspirational story began after she was struck by a car and severely damaged her hind legs. Erica Loring, of Las Vegas, found Scooty at a shelter five years ago and instantly fell in love. Scooty’s damaged legs were paralyzed at the time and she could only drag her hindquarters as she “scooted” along. Erica knew she and Scooty were meant for each other, so she adopted Scooty and immediately started the rehabilitation process. Erica purchased a harness, leg braces and wheelchair for Scooty and enrolled her in acupuncture, hydrotherapy and massage therapy. Within a year, Scooty was walking again! She continues to improve every day and rarely uses her wheelchair.
Loring also attributes improvements in Scooty’s overall health to her Solid Gold diet. Scooty and Erica now enjoy multiple walks each day, and often go shopping together. Erica even takes Scooty to work with her often and travels with her as much as possible. They are truly inseparable!
“Scooty exudes happiness,” Erica wrote. “We spoil her because she deserves it. I think she knows we saved her and have given her a good life. She shows it by being the best dog in the world. She has a way of touching people’s hearts. She is the sweetest, most gentle soul around and it shines through her.”
The cat winner of the “Happiest Pet on Earth” contest, Booker, also has an inspirational story. His early life struggles included being abandoned twice by abusive owners and being labeled as “unadoptable” because of the effect the trauma had on him. On the brink of euthanasia, Julia Luebke, of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, visited Booker’s shelter last year and fell in love. She just knew she had to rescue him and give him a happy home.
At first, Booker was extremely skittish and fearful of humans. His anxiety made him unable to be approached by people. He often hid under beds for hours and even experienced multiple panic attacks that were hard for Julia to watch. Julia stayed by Booker’s side and after various mixes of food and medication, Julia finally landed on the right mix of Solid Gold and prescription medication to put Booker on the road to health and recovery! Today, Booker’s anxiety and panic attacks have subsided. He is now an affectionate, happy and playful cat – and has brought so much love and joy to Julia’s life.
“I think what makes Booker such a happy cat is that he knows he has finally found a forever home. He knows I’m not going to leave him,” Julia said. “I have no doubt that changing his diet and making sure he got the help he needed contributed significantly to helping him feel like himself again.”
As part of the Happiest Pet on Earth grand prize, Solid Gold will also donate food to a shelter of choice for each winner.
— PRNewswire
(For more information on pets and animal adoption, please visit www.petconnectionprogramsinc.com. Or, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/PetConnectionProgramsinc. Located in Marilla, N.Y., Pet Connection Programs Inc. is a nonprofit maternity and special care shelter founded in 1984.)