The snow is melting, which is bad news for homeowners who also own pets. Yards with poor drainage are looking a lot like swampland these days, which means Fido’s paw prints can likely be found all over your once clean floors, carpets and furniture.
“We know it’s not the dog’s fault, but these can be difficult days for all the pet owners out there, especially those who like to keep a clean house,” said Edmund Bedient, owner of Clear Choice Cleaning Services in West Seneca. “Even when the sun does come out and the yard dries up, the damage has already been done, and all the brooms, mops and vacuum cleaners in the world aren’t going to bring back the look you’re looking for. Therefore, it’s time to call in a professional cleaning service.”
Following are some tips from Clear Choice for returning your home to its former glory:
• Look for a company that knows how to get tough stains and smells out of carpets and upholstery. Pet odors require more than a simple carpet cleaning and deodorizing to treat the area.
• Some stains and smells caused by pets will penetrate fibers and contaminate both the back of the carpet and the material below the carpet! Pet urine can often be smelled in floorboards and even through cement. Make sure the cleaning company you select has a proven method for treating these issues and the bacteria that can grow as a result.
• For those who need wood or tile floors cleaned, be certain that the correct cleaning materials are being used for your floor surface. Improper product usage can result in permanent damage.
• Your furniture is a major investment, so only hire an experienced upholstery cleaner to do the job for you.
• Once thoroughly cleaned and treated, the more heavily soiled areas in your home will take longer to dry. Avoid entering those areas until complete dryness returns.
• Make sure the company’s cleaning methods are environmentally friendly, people safe and pet safe!
For more information, please contact Clear Choice Cleaning Services at 827-8484 or visit You can also follow the company on Facebook for frequent updates.