Written and illustrated by Adam DeRose, The Moose’s Day at Fantasy Island is the 15th book in the Moose-Book series. In his newest adventure, the Moose spends the day interacting with park attendees and going on rides at Fantasy Island amusement park. After eating some junk food, the Moose worked up the courage to go on Devil’s Hole.
As a child, DeRose spent many summers at Fantasy Island and has many fond memories there. Once he became a dad, he began taking his kids to Fantasy Island, where they too began making childhood memories. The Moose’s Day at Fantasy Island was originally written in August 2018 and placed on the back burner. In February 2020, when it was announced that Fantasy Island would be permanently closed, DeRose decided to illustrate and complete The Moose’s Day at Fantasy Island. The book was released on July 1, 2020 to commemorate Fantasy Island’s July 1, 1961 opening.
The Moose’s Day at Fantasy Island is independently published and available online at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C6K71F8/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=adam+derose+moose-books&qid=1593645868&sr=8-5.
DeRose is originally from Grand Island. After graduating from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute, he attended Daemen College where he earned a BS in Art in 2007. He furthered his education, receiving an associate’s degree in Automotive Technology from Monroe Community College in 2011. He currently lives in Rochester with his wife Shannon and three young kids.
For more information, please visit www.Moose-Books.com and www.Facebook.com/TheMooseBooks.