Thanks to the generosity of VoIP Supply, LLC, the entire upstairs computer lab at the nonprofit Dog Ears Bookstore & Café, located at 688 Abbott Road in South Buffalo, has been upgraded!
VoIP Supply began supporting the community bookstore in 2008, during VoIP Supply’s worst fiscal year. Over time, VoIP Supply has provided volunteers to work at the bookstore as well as their computer lab. Earlier this year, when the bookstore was devastated by a break-in, VoIP Supply knew they needed to help. They donated a complete audio/video surveillance package to help monitor the store and café to prevent future break-ins. And recently, VoIP Supply took it one step further by upgrading the computer lab with all new computers and a laptop to help manage the store’s operations.
“Dog Ears Bookstore is a great organization doing amazing work in the South Buffalo community,” said Ben Sayers, founder and CEO of VoIP Supply. “We are honored to renew our commitment and continue to give back to the community in this way.”
“Ben Sayers is a great guy and I am truly overwhelmed at the way he just showed up with five new computers because he saw a need for an upgrade and did it on his own,” added Dog Ears Director Thomas McDonnell. “He loves what we do in the community, and the support we receive from VoIP is living proof of the company’s generosity and community spirit!”
For more information on VoIP Supply, LLC, please visit