A new discount card featuring 20 special offers from various West Seneca Chamber of Commerce businesses will be made available to the public in time for the upcoming holiday gift-giving season, the Chamber announced.
“There is no cost to Chamber members to participate, except to honor their discount through the 2020 calendar year,” said Joe Kirchmyer, executive director of the West Seneca Chamber of Commerce. “The plastic cards will be made available to the general public in time for the 2019 holiday gift-giving season and will be sold through the Chamber for just $5 each. We hope they will become popular with individuals looking for inexpensive stocking stuffers or something to have on hand to thank a neighbor, mail delivery person, newspaper carrier, teacher, colleague, friend, etc.
“An added bonus of the card, of course, is to drive more traffic to our member businesses. We’re constantly looking for new ways to promote our Chamber members to a wider audience of potential customers.”
A limited number of spots on the card are still available and are given to Chamber members on a first come, first served basis. For more information on the discount cards or to join the West Seneca Chamber of Commerce, please call 674-4900. You can also visit the Chamber’s website at www.westseneca.org or follow the organization on Facebook for frequent updates.
Proceeds from the sale of the discount cards will support future Chamber of Commerce programs and events.