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West Seneca Sports Boosters to host scholarship golf outing

Jul 26, 2016 | Sports Scene

The West Seneca West Sports Boosters invite you to attend their eighth annual scholarship golf outing taking place Saturday, Sept. 10 at Harvest Hill Golf Center, located on Old Transit Road in Orchard Park. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., with lunch at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m.

This year’s tournament is dedicated to the memory of Justin Strzelczyk, West Senior Class of 1985. Proceeds will benefit the annual scholarships given to select graduating seniors at West Senior.

The format is four-person scramble. Prizes will be awarded for the gross low four-person team score, longest drive (men and women), closest to the pin (men and women) and gross high four-person team score. There will also be door prizes, a 50/50 split, yellow ball contest, putting contest and Chinese auction.

An entrance fee of $110 includes green fees, golf cart, lunch, refreshments, a chicken and rib dinner and awards. If you are interested in attending the dinner only, the cost is $25. All who register and pay by Aug. 22 will receive a high-quality windbreaker at no extra charge.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for your business, which ultimately allows your company to give back to the West Seneca school community. The following opportunities are available: $25 golf cart sponsor, $100 hole sponsor, $500 bronze (luncheon) sponsor, $1,000 gold (corporate) sponsor and $3,000 platinum (shirt) sponsor.

If you would like to attend, become a sponsor or make a donation to the eighth annual scholarship golf outing, please contact Joe Quinlivan at 213-3277 or jd******@ve*****.net, or Joe Hoestermann at 491-0986 or jr****@ve*****.net.