Having your own home comes with many perks from privacy, to added space, to your own unique décor. But one thing’s for sure – it takes some work to keep the place organized and safe.
To help keep your home running smoothly, here’s when to tackle some important home safety tasks:
Spring showers
– Refresh your emergency kit if needed, and add any season-specific items, such as a battery-operated fan if you lose air conditioning in a summer power outage.
– Angle your downspouts away from your home to prevent flood damage.
– Consider adding a sump pump with backup power or reverse-flow valves in basement drains.
– Clear gutters and debris left over from winter storms and do time-sensitive repairs.
– Inspect your roof and repair any damage.
– Consider applying sealant around basement windows and at the base of exterior doors.
– Check your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms each spring and fall.
Sunny summer
– Do more extensive safety updates in summer when weather is clear, such as fixing a leaky foundation.
– Ensure that your landscaping is graded to slope away from your home.
– Trim any trees or bushes that are getting close to power lines.
– Check your ventilation by holding a tissue up to your bathroom fan – the suction should cause it to noticeably flutter.
– Run a dehumidifier to prevent mould if you live in a humid place or detect a musty smell.
Fall fixes
– Winterize or drain outdoor faucets and pipes ahead of cold weather to avoid frozen, burst pipes.
– Check and replace weatherstripping to ensure your home is protected from the elements.
– Clear your eaves-troughs and downspouts of leaves and debris.
– Refresh your emergency kit with supplies to last you for several days.
– Confirm that your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are in good working order and replace the backup batteries.
Winter wonderland
– Look for bare patches on your roof after a snowfall to see if your roof or attic insulation may need repair.
– Check for water leaks indoors during minor thaws to get ahead of water damage and mould.
– Test for high levels of radon gas in your home with a simple DIY test, or call in a pro.
– Make sure important documents are stored off the floor and not in the basement ahead of spring thaws and floods.
Whatever the season, make sure you know the risks in your area so you can properly prepare your home for them. Do you live near a river that floods in your area every spring? Or, are you at risk for wildfires in summer? Are you likely to face severe winter storms or power outages in winter? A little preparation, can help you be ready for just about anything.
Find out about your regional risks and learn more safety tips at getprepared.ca.
— News Canada